All in Health and Nutrition

An easy brunch/brekkie.

I am such a huge fan of the Aussie breakfast, even more this year as it's become the most important meal of my day, while I'm here.  I am trying the 16:8 fast regime this year, instead of the 5:2.  (That's eating at 7.00 pm the night before and not eating again till 11.00 the next morning, making it a 16 hour fast.) I have to get the hell out in the morning, before it gets really hot, so most of my exercise is all done before 11.00 a.m. latest. I am swimming and cycling nearly every day.......The Best exercise, especially for us older folk, that I wrote about last year, as well as walking 10,000 steps along the beach & round Byron as often as possible. (I also do a 15 minute HIIT programme nearly every afternoon, more on that another time.)

Gazpacho - Aussie style.

I know this isn't brilliant for anyone living in the Northern Hemisphere at the moment, but I just had to share this delicious cold soup/smoothie recipe with you because of the amazing veg available here in Byron Bay.... all grown locally, from the Farmer's Market, all organic and just a joy to use for gazpacho, especially as I am doing a detox at the moment. (Blog on that coming soon.) And just look at the shape of this cucumber - the EU wouldn't allow one of those to be sold in the UK!

Cheats smoothie!

Are you time short at the moment?  I certainly am!  The run up to Christmas, whether you are going away or staying at home, is just manic isn't it?  It's also very cold in the UK at the moment so the thought of juicing green veg is just not making my body feel happy, let alone the time it takes. So, I have been doing a very lazy, quick version of my usual health packed smoothie which I hope will help you too get through the busy period, and beyond, with all the nutrients your body needs to fight exhaustion and stress. And it takes no time at all.

The 5:2 DIET.

As a nutritionist I have always been a keen fan of fasting. So when the 5:2 diet hit the headlines a couple of years ago, I happily embraced this form of intermittent fasting for the sake of my health as well as my waistline!  I prefer to call it a version of fasting rather than a 'diet', we all know they don't work, in the long run, for weight loss.  But this one does and the health benefits go way beyond losing a few pounds.