New research on fruit and veg that help weight loss.
Latest research, from Harvard University no less, has found that fruits like blueberries, strawberries & apples and pears help with weight loss more than stone fruits, such as mangoes, because of their high anthocyanin (flavonoid) content. The humble blueberry is so high in anthocyanins that eating them regularly may also protect us from cancer and heart disease. Double whammy!
For UK nutritional patients, I have always recommended "locally" grown fruits, low on the glycaemic index, such as: all berries, apples & pears. So this scientific backing is very good news to me! There's more research on the health benefits of blueberries and advice on how to eat them on this link to Berkley Wellness.
For those in the Southern Hemisphere, it's still good news because you seem to grow plenty of berries, apples & pears year round, as well as your more exotic fruits. I always manage to find lush blueberries in Byron Bay Market. The other good news for both hemispheres is that flavonoid-rich red, yellow & orange peppers have also been earmarked by the UK's British Medical Journal for containing the same antioxidant compounds that can help us fight the flab, should you find it hard to find any of the mentioned fruits.
Red, orange or yellow peppers are great for your health an weight loss.
So it appears that just a handful of blueberries a day will not only keep the doctor away but also help keep you trim & youthful. I have always advocated a "rainbow" diet of as many low-glycaemic fruits & veg as possible (all berries, apples & pears contain far less natural sugar than delicious mangoes & yummy bananas!) but it's good to know that scientific studies now have the proof.
All berries are packed full of antioxidants and will give you a big boost of health.
Australians are recommended to eat 5 portions of veg plus 2 portions of fruit a day. I only wish the UK would follow suit and recommend the same amounts. Meanwhile, have a look at my smoothie recipe for an easy way to get those fruit & veg into your body on a daily basis to keep you both healthy & slim. And I have also listed the best fruit & veg. for beautiful skin!
Chard, spinach, carrots, raw peppers, apple, pear or berries equals beautiful skin, great health and successful weight loss.
Let me know what you put in your smoothie. I always love to hear from you.