Update on Suzi's Smoothie for fast days.
Here's a quick update on my last video & blog on how to make my daily health smoothie. This is a great replacement for meals on fast days, if you're following the 5:2 diet, and will keep you going for hours. And it is full of huge health benefits. If you're an intermittent faster, or want to be, I do it the easy way: a light meal the night before by 7.00 pm latest, the smoothie as late as possible the next morning (around 11.00 a.m.) a very light low calorie snack, such as a banana or boiled egg, at tea time and then a light meal, such as loads of veg and a small portion of protein, in the evening at 7.00 pm. That's 500 calories in 24 hours and you've done a 16 hour pure fast without even trying. Two days a week, too easy!
Here's how:
Super smoothie ingredients for top skin & top health. Great for a fast day too.
A handful of Swiss chard, spinach & red, orange or yellow pepper & blueberries (forgot them for the video!) These fruit & veg, rich in anti-oxidants, have been proven to help with weight loss and are the top foods for beautiful skin.
A teaspoon of spirulina: great for energy, a teaspoon of cinnamon: sorts out blood sugar levels and can help with high cholesterol, a teaspoon of turmeric: all round natural anti-inflammatory & anti oxidant, and a teaspoon of chia seeds.
The most important part of my smoothie - a tablespoon of extra virgin, raw coconut oil keeps me going for hours & helps with weight loss.
A tablespoon of golden flaxseeds: a natural form of phytooestrogens & good for healthy bowels, a tablespoon of coconut oil: the healthy fat that helps you lose weight & will keep you full for hours, a tablespoon of goji berries: nicknamed the "happy" berry, they're packed full of anti-oxidants, and a tablespoon of a raw, protein powder.
I then add a raw egg (be careful if you are elderly or pregnant or at all concerned etc.) and a big glug of kefir: great for the digestion & high in natural bacteria, vitamins & minerals. Too many benefits to mention! I am dairy intolerant but have had no problems with kefir as it's so similar to live yoghurt, which you could also use.
The most complete protein meal on the planet!
That little lot comes to no more than 250-300 calories (leaving 250 cals for loads of veg & protein) and will keep you full for hours. Let me know if you try it and how you get on. And please do share any other top tips you have for health & fasting.
Here's the video. Enjoy, and please give me the thumbs up & subscribe on You Tube, when you have time.. Thank you!