How to make baba ganoush/aubergine dip.
I am going to share something you may not know about me! My mother was Bulgarian and met my Dad in Prague oh so many years ago! I was born, in London, when she was just 19 and although it was the 50s and olive oil could only be found in pharmacies in those days, she was the most amazing cook and I grew up on the healthiest, Mediterranean-type diet you can imagine. One of my favourites was what she called "kyopilo", which I assumed was Bulgarian, but I can't find this name anywhere on the net to confirm! (Please let me know if you happen to be Bulgarian).
Anyway, her version of baba ganoush was the most delicious I have ever tasted anywhere in the world but I have never been able to replicate this Greek/Turkish/Middle Eastern aubergine dip as she made it. It never tastes as good as Mum's, whatever it is, does it? But here's a quick, easy version that should work for you and any vegetarians or vegans who might be visiting. Thank you Jamie Oliver, as ever!
3 aubergines
2 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon of light tahini
2 tablespoons of olive oil
Juice of 2 lemons
A pinch of cayenne or chilli powder
Serve pitta bread, olives & raw veg with a plate of home-made baba ganoush.
Pre heat oven to 180C/350F/gas 4. Cut the aubergines in half, length ways. Score the fleshy side in a criss cross pattern, without going through the skin. Rub plenty of olive oil all over both sides. Bake fleshy side up for approximately 45 minutes. Leave to cool.
Pop the flesh of the aubergines into a blender/food processor, add: 2 peeled, chopped garlic cloves, 1 T of tahini, 2 T of olive oil, squeezed lemon juice, seasoning & cayenne or chilli powder, and whizz it all up.
That's it. Pop it all in a bowl and garnish with coriander or flat leaf parsley. Serve with olives, warm pitta bread and raw veggies. What could be better! A lovely summer dip for all occasions and a great one to take to a bbq or a picnic.
I originally posted this recipe on Instagram, so please follow me here, if you're not already, 'cause I often post top tips & recipes that aren't necessarily published here on the blog.
My Instagram account. @alternativeageing. Daily fashion, food & lifestyle posts.
Have a wonderful week, and see you soon. Am doing at least one a week, so keep your eyes peeled!