Quick & easy Asian fishcakes.
If you're a regular reader, you'll know how much I love trying out new recipes. Especially Jamie Oliver's recipes. I love him! He's so enthusiastic and cares so much about the health of the nation that I always check his site online if I have something to cook and am not sure how to do it. And this one's healthy, quick & oh so tasty.
I usually change every recipe I follow just a little. A twist here or an addition there. Something to make it my own. But this Asian fishcake is so delicious and perfect as it is, I am sharing it with you just as Jamie did it on TV & online! All I've done is added the health benefits of eating salmon regularly, taken a couple of photos, and eaten it so I can tell you how fabulous it is!. (The link to Jamie's original recipe is here.) Enjoy!
2 salmon fillets, de-boned & skinned
Small stick of lemongrass
Small chunk of ginger, peeled
Fresh coriander, a small handful
2-3 teaspoons of chili jam
Salmon, lemongrass, ginger, coriander & chili jam.
Bash the lemongrass on your chopping board and remove the outer layer. Finely chop the inside of the lemongrass, the coriander with stalks, and ginger. Chop the salmon into small chunks on top of the diced herbs. Put half of the chopped salmon to one side. Finely slice the rest of the salmon till it's really mashed up, then mix the chunky bits back in with it (this bit is SO messy) season with salt and pepper. Divide into 2-4 patties and shape into 2 cm thick patties.
Pop them into a non-stick frying pan on a medium heat with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Just 2 minutes on each side should do it. Spoon the chili jam over the fish cakes, top with a few coriander leaves and serve with a big green salad. Just yum, quick, easy,messay and oh so healthy.........
The human brain just hoovers up DHA - docasal hexanoic acid – the most effective of the Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish. The brain needs it in high levels to avoid low serotonin levels, which can cause depression, SAD, moods, and forgetfulness.
A high intake of fish oils has been linked to significant improvements in memory, moods and mental problems as well as lowering the risk of developing aging diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
After a heart attack, a person eating oily fish, such as salmon, three times a week halves the risk of another.
So if you want to avoid irritability, depression, and forgetfulness, and want a healthy heart & great skin, make sure to eat plenty of oily fish, the best of which is salmon. There's more information on Omega 3 & other oily fish in my article on the Menopause, here.
I hope you get to try this recipe out, and please do let me know if you like it, and I'll pass it onto Jamie! Don't forget, there are loads more healthy, easy recipes in the new Recipe section, here.
See you soon,