Positive ageing with Suzi Grant, the nutritionist with a passion for fashion.
All tagged gigs over 50
I don't usually blog about gigs but having witnessed four men in their mid-seventies with a combined age of nearly 300, having the time of their lives on stage, I just had to share this with you as one of the best examples of positive ageing I have seen in a long time......
You probably know me well enough by now to accept that I refuse to act my age, love festivals, and can't stop dancing if the music's right! However, many my age (well over 50) don't like camping, even glamping or boutique, and are put off by the whole thing: the queues, the loos, and the youngsters.....despite the fact that many of the bands playing are well over 40, 50, & well beyond! To camp or not camp, that is the question.