All in Health and Nutrition
Having bought a Nutribullet I wasn’t convinced that carrots and beetroot would be “juiced” enough. They were! Success! My latest breakfast is so quick, easy, tasty and healthy that I am just adding more and more ingredients to it each day! Am completely in love with my new gadget. I know the “purists” will disapprove but, frankly, I haven’t got the time to stand at a Juicer every morning, feeding small pieces of carrot through a funnel. Better to get those nutrients down you than not at all is all I can say…
This is the sort of dish you can just throw together from stuff in your cupboard & fridge at a moments notice, as long as you have some cooked chicken in the fridge. Here's my Twiglet version, not strictly Paleo or wheat-free but there's so little it won't hurt....
You probably know by now that swimming is one of the best exercises in the world for a beautiful bod at any age: And you also know how much I love swapping winter in England for summer in Byron Bay, Australia. Last year, I started learning the Crawl in Byron, a swimming stroke I had never mastered, and this year I got another couple of lessons in, as well as practising more…
This is the detox I carry out in February (so much nicer than in January) when I am in Australia, or Spring when I am in the UK. It's a great detox for losing a few pounds, healthily, to get into better shape for that bikini as well as re-training yourself out of bad habits! Spring and Autumn are great times to have a d.i.y detox for optimum health and I, personally, find January one of the worst months of the whole year to do one. How depressing is that month anyway…
Latest research, from Harvard University no less, has found that fruits like blueberries, strawberries & apples and pears help with weight loss more than stone fruits, such as mangoes, because of their high anthocyanin (flavonoid) content. The humble blueberry is so high in anthocyanins that eating them regularly may also protect us from cancer and heart disease…
This is my take on a recipe taken fromJamie's Every Day Superfood: a brilliant TV programme & book (would make a great Christmas pressie) Every recipe he suggests is healthy, low calorie, easy, stashed full of vitamins & minerals, and delicious…