Suzi Grant - Alternative Ageing

Positive ageing with Suzi Grant, the nutritionist with a passion for fashion.

My first Podcast interview, for the U.S.

My first Podcast interview, for the U.S.

I am so proud to have been interviewed by the lovely Elaine Benoit for her podcast this week.  Her husband actually found me on Instagram and we finally did a Skype interview a few weeks ago.  It was huge fun, so if you want to hear me talking the hind legs off a donkey, telling Elaine about my chain-smoking, hard-drinking days in TV and Radio, how I got into health and why I don't feel invisible anymore, then you should enjoy this podcast. 

The link's below. Just scroll down to where it says LISTEN then follow the instructions. And please let me know if you have a listen, it's a good one to take on a dog walk & I hope it makes you chuckle.

Click here

Another bargain, another vintage dress!

Another bargain, another vintage dress!

Bournemouth, Part 2.  A great mini-break out of season.

Bournemouth, Part 2. A great mini-break out of season.