My new normal during lockdown.
I think we’ve all pretty used to our new normal by now and are trying to get some sort of structure into our lives, in between huge productivity and lolling around in our PJs all day! The one thing that keeps me going is little Jack and our great walks in this wonderful weather as well as hearing from you on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube, etc. We have such a wonderful community that really, really helps me by sharing what we’re going through and to be reminded that we are all in this together!
Building a routine into each day that I’m not working has really helped. So, I’ve done a little video for you (at the end of the blog) to show you how I’m coping from day to day. And this blog is to share additional useful links and information that may help you keep your mind, body, and spirit feeling just a bit healthier and happier during these trying times. I’m only sharing what works for me (no paid collaborations) but I can also assure you that there are times when I do absolutely nothing and pretend I’m on holiday giving my mind the space to re-boot! If you don’t feel like doing anything, don’t beat yourself up. At best, we’re all suffering from low-level anxiety, because we just don’t know what the future holds, so going with the flow whether it’s high energy or low is really important in The Time of Corona. (Yes I have nicked the title from one of my favourite books, Love in the Time of Cholera!)
Meanwhile here’s my ideal daily “schedule” for mind, body, and spirit, but by no means my every day…….hope it helps….
I think looking after our mental state is far more important at this time than worrying too much about our bodies. (Although I am trying to not go the whole hog of drinking and eating as if we are in that weird period between Christmas and New Year! This is going on way too long for that! ) So meditation, sleep, and plenty of rest are going right at the top of my priorities for a happier brain.
Everyone is having a problem with sleep at the moment. I think it’s deep down stress and worry. It took me more than a couple of weeks to stop behaving as if I was on holiday, sleeping for as long as I liked whenever I liked!. Having had too many nights of insomnia and getting up with half the day gone (nothing wrong with that if that’s what your mind and body needs!) I got a kick up the butt from one of the many podcasts I listen to by Dr. Chattergee. (He has some amazing interviews with experts on how to cope with surviving the lockdown here.)
Get up half an hour earlier than you normally do, do NOT have an afternoon nap (but rest and meditation is really good) and then your body will naturally get you to sleep earlier. I’ve only been doing my new regime a few days but it’s worked already…..I’m now asleep by 11.30 latest and awake at 7.00 a.m. ish. I really believe that one hour before midnight is worth two after so I’m working towards being asleep even earlier so I can enjoy the mornings more during the Spring/Summer transition. A book that will really help you if you’re having problems sleeping right now - and who isn’t - is The Sleep Solution, Matthew Walker. Link here.
Every morning I try to spend 5 minutes in nature before I even look at my ‘phone or emails. If the weather’s good, I walk around the garden with little Jack and listen to the birds singing. And if the weather’s crap, I sit in bed watching the birds through my bedroom window, in silence, checking in with my mind and body to see how they’re feeling. It helps me because every single morning when I wake up, like you I’m sure, I feel normal and then I remember that life is anything but normal and feel sad again!
I am now working as if I am working if you see what I mean! I don’t have to do anything but what started as a hobby five years ago is now back to being a hobby, which is pretty joyous I must admit! So I am now sticking to my usual schedule of spending a couple of hours in bed listening to the radio and catching up with emails, Instagram, blogging, and editing videos & photos, etc. It keeps my brain active and then the rest of the day is mine to look after my body & spirit. Why bed? It’s too bright and hot at my work table!
Whatever time you hit your peak for brain activity, do whatever brings you joy. You may be working or in furlough or simply carrying on as normal but this is the best opportunity ever to get into something new that you’ve never had time for before. Let’s face it, in normal times even retirees are way too busy! What a great opportunity to learn something new or read all those books you’ve been meaning to get round to. My eyes get really tired from all the writing I do so my absolute savior has been Audible books. I have actually “read” eight books since February, more than I have in the last two years! You can be active while you “read”: gardening, cooking, doing your chores, walking the dog, decluttering, whilst learning stuff, or simply escaping reality - all at the same time! Here are two of my current favourite fiction and non-fiction books.
Because I spend hours sitting while I “work”, I make myself get up every hour on the hour and dance around the kitchen for a minute or two! And of course, drink a glass of water at the same time - when I remember!
I then do my 5 Tibetan Rites every single morning. This is the one thing I never skip. There’s a video on how I do them here. And now, during our new normal, I also do a wonderful 10-minute on-line yoga class called Yoga with Kassandra. Link here. At the time of writing, she’s doing a 30-day free course which really helps motivate me. I will certainly be doing longer classes with her when I am up to speed. They’re great for gently stretching the body out and getting back into yoga if, like me, you haven’t done it for years.
I then have brekkie. Sometimes it’s 11.00 before I have food because I’m a fan of the 16-8 method of fasting (not every day) and find it very easy because I’ve never been hungry first thing in the morning. But fasting isn’t for everyone, especially now, so here are a few ideas to keep to your normal weight whilst remaining sane!
Sugar-free granola with banana, walnuts, brazil nuts, seeds, blueberries and coconut milk.
At the moment, I just can’t get into juicing and smoothies, maybe that will come in the summer. I just follow what my body tells me it needs at this challenging time and make sure I have the healthiest, non-processed food I can get, empty shelves allowing! I try and support local businesses by having deliveries of fresh fruit & veg and fish regularly and make sure I have plenty of anti-oxidant & Omega 3 rich foods each day:
Walnuts, brazil nuts, seeds, banana & blueberries with my sugar-free granola and coconut milk.
Avo, tomatoes, rocket & feta on sourdough toast for lunch.
Salmon with spinach, grated raw beetroot, and guacamole in the evening.
Yes, that’s a glass of bubbly in the photo below! I think it’s important to have something to look forward to during these dark days so what I’m trying to do, emphasis on trying. is to not drink Monday to Thursday and bloody well enjoy Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Same with food. if my Instagram comments are anything to go by, most of us seem to be putting on weight, despite all the exercise we’re doing. Maybe its our anxious bodies laying down fat to protect us in anxious times. Or maybe we’re just raiding the fridge too much! Either way, the latest scientist murmurings have made a connection between being overweight (a BMI over 25 was mentioned!) and suffering from complications if you get infected with COVID19 so that announcement was enough for me to up the exercise and do the 5:2 diet when I can face it: two days a week. This is not the time for faddy diets, but the 5:2 is a healthy, safe and scientifically proven way to lose weight here.
But weekends, for me, are all about what weekends were always about: talking to friends virtually with a prosecco in hand, having a glass of red wine with Sunday lunch, and a vegan Magnum for pud! A little of what you fancy really cheers you up!
Walking Jack is the absolute highlight of my day. He loves the beach but it’s got a bit crowded in the good weather and many cyclists and runners are just not doing the 2-meter social distancing thing. So we spend a lot of time in the local park or exploring new local areas. The park’s looking just stunning at the moment without many dog walkers and a complete lack of litter! And the light everywhere seems to be just awesome as if someone has put a filter on, so I am just loving our one outing a day for exercise. I wonder if it’s the lack of pollution?
I aim for my 10k steps a day but Jack is 14 now and finds it tiring when it’s warmer so a lot of steps are made up with exercise at home and more dancing around whilst doing chores! I’ve written more on walking 10k steps a day here. There’s also a great app called Pacer for your smart ‘phone here, should you want to start walking more during your lockdown. You’d be amazed how many steps you do just pottering around your home and I always put my iPhone in my bum bag during on-line exercise so I can see those steps going up. 10k steps a day sounds a lot but if you aim for over 6k daily, plus other exercises at home, you’re doing well and it will help keep depression away. And if you’re a runner - well I have nothing but admiration and envy for you!
Jack is usually so knackered when we get back from a 1-2 hour walk that we’ve got into a ritual of having a lie down for an hour or two! He looks really upset if I don’t so it’s become an important time of the day to look after mind, body, and spirit by having a good rest (trying not to sleep more than 10 minutes!)
Sometimes I get my 15 minutes of Vitamin D lying in the garden (so grateful to have a garden right now) whilst listening to a podcast or my audiobook. Sometimes I just flop on the bed with Jack. But what is essential for the health of my brain and mood is to do a daily meditation. I find the app Calm just perfect as you get a different meditation every day and they only last 10 minutes! Have you noticed that I do everything that I should do in 10-minute chunks? If each one was an hour, I wouldn’t do it, but 10-minute chunks every day is always do-able. Anything you dread doing or think you haven’t got time for is so much more achievable in 10-minute chunks. Here’s the link for Calm, it’s not free but is worth every penny. Click here.
After my R&R it’s time to get active again. I might clear out a cupboard or drawer (10-minute chunks again!), do some gardening, chat with friends whilst doing chores, or have a creative spurt doing photography, videos, or a Zoom interview. Or I might do nothing and hit Netflix! The one thing I’ve learned during this lockdown is that every day is different and sometimes we just don’t have any energy at all and need to listen to our bodies to get through this. But I’ve also learned that if I don’t feel like doing something but force myself by promising it will only take 10 minutes, I usually feel much better mentally and physically and it gives me more energy to do more!
I usually do The Body Coach 10-minute work out in the afternoon and sneak a second short walk up and down the road with Jack. That’s another ritual I’ve acquired during the lockdown. I always stop “working” by 4.30, do my 10-minute workout with Joe, and then listen to the daily Covid-19 press conference while I’m getting some extra steps in, shouting at the politicians as I walk Jack around the block!
The work out with Joe Wicks is for SENIORS!!! I know I appear very fit but I’m not as fit as I thought I was so I am starting slowly and carefully. He’s upped the game after a month and even he is puffing at the end of it! I’ll work up to twice a day when I know I’m not going to injure myself again. (I went for it too much a month ago and hurt my lower back!) Here’s the link if you are as unfit as me: Click here. I will work up to 10-minutes twice a day as soon as I can. But, for the time being, it’s far better to do three lots of 10-minute chunks every single day, (plus a minimum of 1-hour walking Jack) than an hour of Pilates twice a week - which was all I was doing before lockdown.
So, that’s my typical good day in a good week. Exciting eh?! We have lighter evenings in the UK now so I have a few more hours left to potter in the garden, chat with the neighbours, try out new recipes or do some more chores, before an early supper and TV. Living on my own during lockdown has given me loads of time for reflection and I really can’t imagine having a diary chock full of appointments rushing here there and everywhere again! But I’m sure I will as I can’t wait to dress up to meet my friends for lunch again, let alone all those events, festivals and gigs we had planned for the summer, now postponed to some time in the future.
Talking of dressing up, my hair and nails are in an absolute state, and, like most of us, I really can’t be bothered to put on makeup, unless I’m doing a business Zoom meeting. I wear comfy baggies or shorts and a tee most days and if I’m doing an online interview or making a video I just put a pretty top on. (I used to do this when I was a TV newsreader!). And when I run out of tops I may even start wearing my summer dresses so they don’t sit in the wardrobe being completely neglected.
My cold showers (great for boosting immunity) have gone into the “neglected” box as well but I am loving my Epsom salts baths in the evening. There is nothing like a 20-minute soak in magnesium to relax you, help any aching muscles from all that exercise, and ensure you get a really good night’s sleep. You can read more here. Perfect for the end of a challenging day………….
Meanwhile, here’s the video of my typical week. I have never looked scruffier and I just don’t care! But what I do know is that giving myself some sort of structure to each weekday has really kept me happy and sane, if a little tired! I hope you enjoy. Let me know how you’re coping, what you are doing, and anything else you want to share. I always answer. Stay safe and stay sane. We’re in this together.
Big love and see you soon. Let me know what you’d like me to write about next time!